7 Clear Signs You Are Not In God’s Will For Your Life.

There are many signs that will indicate you are not in God’s will for your life and this post today will discuss some of these 7 major signs to help you know if you have drifted away from God’s plan for your life.

 Not being in God’s will for your life comes with many grave consequences and some of them are that you will not discover God’s purpose for your life.

Knowing God’s purpose for your life is what will give you a reason to live and bring you indescribable joy in your life. Moreover, that can only happen if you discover God’s will for your life.

Many benefits come if your life is in line with God’s will and divine purpose which are essential for a fruitful Christian life be it in your relationship with God or marriage.

To begin our discussion, let’s now discuss the 7 signs you are not in God’s will that will help you find your way back to God’s purpose for your life if you drifted away due to wanting to do things your way.

7 Signs You’re Missing God’s Will.

Below are the 7 sure signs that will clearly tell you that you have missed the mark of what God has purposed for your life.

  • No Sense Of Purpose.
  • Lack Of Godly Joy.
  • Unanswered Prayers.
  • You’ll Feel Lost
  • You Might Just Be Another Sad Suicide Victim.
  • Lost Fire For God.
  • Lack Of Inner Peace.

1. No Sense Of Purpose.

One of the clear signs that will show you have missed God’s will and purpose for your life is you will lack that sense of purpose and meaning in your life, no matter what you do. Hence, you will suffer from an existential crisis affecting many today.

The lack of purpose in your Christian life will manifest in many ways such as discontentment and the lack of joy in what you are doing. Sadly, many believers are victims of this due to not seeking God’s will for their lives.

As a Christian and believer in Christ Jesus, it’s essential that you pray earnestly for the Lord to reveal His will, purpose, and what He wants to do with your life rather than leaning on your own understanding.

You need to understand on God knows what’s best for you and what will make you flourish as you live your purpose. It’s why Proverbs 3:5,6 in the old testament tells us to trust the Lord with all our hearts rather than leaning to our own understanding.

So, if you are lacking a sense of purpose and meaning for your life, go on your knees and pray for the Lord to reveal His purpose for your life. Only then, will you leave a meaningful and purposeful life that will glory God you will be proud of living.

Related: 11 Crucial Steps To Fulfilling God’s Purpose You Need Now.

2. Lack Of Godly Joy.

The second sign that will signify you are not living according to God’s will for your life is you will lack the joy of the Lord in your life, no matter what you do.

Not being in life with God’s will and divine purpose for our lives is one of the major reasons why many people are unhappy and miserable with their daily lives and rightfully so.

This is because you will never be truly happy in life, no matter how much money or big houses you may have if you are not living your purpose that God created you for.

You need to understand that your life has a unique purpose and destiny that’s different from everyone else in this world. This is why, finding God’s will and calling for your life will be the most important this you will ever do after being born in this world.

Only when you find that unique purpose God created you for, will your life be filled with the indescribable joy of the Lord that surpassed all understanding, and that will satisfy your soul and give you a reason to wake up in the morning.

3. Unanswered Prayers.

Another thing that will show you are not in line with God’s will for your life is you will notice a lot of unanswered prayer requests you make to God in your life on many things you are praying for.

James 4:3-5 in the new testament tells us that one of the reasons we don’t get what we pray or ask for is we pray and ask amiss so that we can consume what we have prayed for on our lusts and selfish ambitions.

You need to understand that the Lord only answers prayer requests that are in line with His will as He has no business in answering carnal prayers that have nothing to do with His will but satisfy our flesh.

If you have been having unanswered prayers lately or in the past on many things you have prayed for, it could be a sight that your prayers aren’t in line with God’s will.

No wonder our Lord Jesus Christ tells us in Matthews 6:10 in the Lord’s prayer that our prayer must be so that God’s will, not our will be done in our lives. If you do so, you will begin to have answers to virtually any prayer request you make.

Related: What To Do When Prayers Are Not Answered As A Christian?

4. You’ll Feel Lost.

The other indicator that will show you have missed God’s will for your life is you will feel lost in life wondering as to why you are in this world in this place.

We are told in Jeremiah 29:11 the Lord knows the plans He has for our lives which are good and that will give us an expected end. But you can only know these good plans the Lord has for your life in you know His will for you.

Without this, you will feel lost and wonder aimlessly in life, not knowing where you are going which is the case with many people nowadays who think their life has no meaning.

In fact, studies have shown that over 90 percent of people are lost and don’t know their purpose and direction in their lives which is a sad statistic indeed.

So, if you don’t want to be among the statistic of people who are lost and don’t know why they’re in this world in the first place, submit yourself to God’s revealed will and purpose for your life. Only then, will you no longer feel lost in your life.

5. You Might Just Be Another Suicide Victim.

Also, another main thing that may happen to a person or you if you are not in line with God’s will and purpose for your life, you may just be another sad suicide statistic.

You need to understand that one of the reasons why many are taking their own lives by committing suicide is such people are out of line with God’s purpose for their lives and don’t understand His love for them.

The thought of you committing suicide won’t even come into your mind, no matter what you are going through in your life if you are living according to the Lord’s will of your life.

If you are contemplating suicide or have before as you are reading this, I encourage you not to act upon that lie of Satan that has dammed many souls to hell as no suicide victim with ever set foot in heaven.

If you do, dear, you will forever be damned in hell for all eternity. So, if you are battling with suicidal thoughts, come crying to Jesus Christ and He will deliver you from them and give you a reason to live for a bright future in heaven awaiting you in eternity.

6. Lost Fire For God.

If you are a believer who’s beginning to lose the fire and first love you once had for God by becoming lukewarm in your faith, it could be a sign that you have drifted away from God’s will and purpose for your life.

One of the things that will happen if you fall from grace or get out of line with God’s will is you will slowly begin to lose the fervent fire you had for the Lord which will manifest in the lack of interest in His spiritual things.

Henceforth, if you were regularly going to church or having regular quiet time by reading your bible daily, that will no longer be the case anymore if you no longer have the fire for God you once had.

Praying, reading your bible daily, and going to church will now be boring and a burden to you when you are no longer living according to God’s will.

So, if you have lost the fire and first love you had of the Lord Jesus Christ, it’s a sign you have fallen out of line with His will. Repent if you are such a person so that you can be restored to your former first love before it’s too late (Revelations 2:4,5).

Related: 5 Effective Ways To Keep Your Heart On Fire For God.

7. Lack Of Inner Peace.

Last but not least, the other obvious sign that will indicate your life has derailed from His will is you will lack that inner peace that surpasses all understanding Jesus Christ promises us in John 14:27.

Your spirit and heart will be troubled if you have fallen out of line from God’s divine will for your life which will explain why you will have wrecked plans that haven’t come to fruition.

You need to understand that your inner soul and spirit will only be at peace with the Lord if you are living according to His will. The moment you derail from that; disaster strikes without warning.

And this will manifest in all areas of your life be it in your marriage life or ministry. So, if you lost the inner peace you once, had, it’s a sign that you are not living the way God wants you to live your life.

So, if you desire peace that surpasses all understanding and that makes you calm and peaceful in all situations gracefully, get back in line with God’s will for your life by relinquishing your self-management and wanting to do things your own way instead of God’s way.


Have the above 7 signs you are not in God’s will and purpose for your life helped you realize where you have missed the mark by desiring to do things your way?

If that’s the case, you can make things right today with God and be in line with His divine will for your life once again so that you can do what you were meant to do in this life.

In closing, if this post has been edifying to you, drop a comment below on how you have been blessed by what you have read, and don’t forget to share before you leave. God bless.

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