There are many major benefits of delighting in the Lord that come to any believer whose delight, and trust. Hope and confidence are in Him and this post will discuss 5 of these major benefits.
The Psalmist David tells us in Psalms 37:4 that if we delight in the Lord and His ways or wisdom by living a life that pleases Him, He will see to it that all the desires of our heart and soul are met without fail.
Many people in this world try to find delight in many things such as money, wealth, prosperity, etc. but are still unhappy as these things many people try to delight in cannot meet the deepest needs we have that only God can meet.
This post, however, will remind you of the benefits that you will receive in your Christian life as a Christian if your delight is in the Lord and His word.
Having said that, let’s look at the 5 major benefits of delighting in the Lord that will motivate you to even further delight in our Lord Jesus Christ only with references to bible verses and passages in both the old testament and the new testament.
5 Main Benefits Of Delighting In The Lord.
Below are the 5 benefits of delighting in the Lord that you will enjoy as a believer if you choose to find delight in Christ Jesus to strengthen your Christian faith.
- Your Heart’s Desires Will Be Fulfilled.
- You Will Be Like A Tree Planted By The River Side.
- You Will Be Like A Tree Planted By The River Side.
- You Will Have Peace.
- You Will Enjoy God’s Blessings On Your Life.
1. Your Heart’s Desires Will Be Fulfilled.
In Psalms 37:4, we are told that if we find delight in the Lord and His commandments by casting all our worries, needs, wants cares, and anxieties on Him, He will meet all our heart’s desires if they align with His will.
Now, you need to understand that it’s true that God will meet every desire of your heart if it’s in line with His will and purpose for your life or most importantly good for you.
However, this doesn’t mean that God will always give you whatever your heart desires especially if it’s not in line with His will. Otherwise, you will be a spoiled child.
For instance, if you desire to have a private jet now, does it mean God will give you a private jet? Of course, not especially, if you have no real purpose for that private jet you want.
So, yes, God will always grant the desires of your heart if they align with His will and purpose for your life. Remember, God will never deny you anything that’s good for you.
Related: 12 Benefits Of Trusting God [To Help You Trust Him More].
2. You Will Be Like A Tree Planted By The River Side.
Psalms 1:1-5 in the Old Testament tells us that if we don’t walk in the counsel of the ungodly and evil people but choose to find delight in God’s word, we will be like a tree that’s planted by the riverside that never dries up.
The above chapter goes on to further say that if your delight is in the law of the Lord that you meditate on day and night, you will be fruitful and prosperous in all you do in your life.
Implying that if you delight in the Lord by living a life that pleases Him, He will prosper you in all you do and make sure that all your daily needs, wants and life necessities are all met and granted.
Since you are like a tree planted by the riverside when your delight is in the Lord Jesus Christ, it also means that you won’t come to want or lack anything important in your life.
So, if you are not delighting in the Lord yet, now is the time if you want to be like a tree that’s planted by the riverside that never runs dry and flourishes in all seasons.
3. You Will Have The Blessed Hope.
Having the blessed hope of knowing that you will spend eternity in glory in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ when all is said and done is one of the most important benefits of delighting in the Lord that you will have as a believer.
What is more blessed than knowing that when you die, you will eventually spend eternity in heaven with God in everlasting bliss, happiness, and joy you have never known? Or get to see God and Jesus in their full glory.
The Bible tells us in Titus 2:13 in the New Testament that we must look at the blessed Hope of our Lord Jesus Christ where we will see Him in His full glory.
Personally, I can’t wait to see Jesus Christ in person considering that He died for my sins so that I can have salvation and eternal life so that I don’t end up in hell. However, this can only happen if you choose to delight in the eternal things of God.
I am sure you also have that blessed hope where you earnestly desire to finally see Jesus Christ in His full glory and touch His fingers where He was nailed as a reminder of the infinite and everlasting love He has for you that no human can give you.
- How To Get To Heaven According To The Bible [+Sermon].
- 5 Reasons Why Jesus Is Our Only Hope [In This World.]
4. You Will Have Peace.
The other benefit that you will enjoy in your life if you delight yourself in the Lord is that your soul will be filled with real peace from above that surpasses all understanding that Jesus Christ promises in John 14:27.
The above bible verse tells us that if we confide in Christ Jesus, He will fill us with peace that satisfies our soul that this world or any person cannot give you. It’s this peace that will make you feel safe in Christ.
You need to understand that only God can give you real peace that satisfies your heart and soul and that the fake peace this world promises will never satisfy you at all.
Nevertheless, the peace that the Lord promises when you delight yourself in Him will satisfy you and make have that inner peace and calmness in your soul that makes you peaceful in all life situations whether good or bad.
When you have the peace of God Philippians 4:7 talks about, your heart and mind will be safeguarded and protected in Christ Jesus. You will also be able to navigate all the storms of life with a calm and peaceful mind as if nothing is happening.
5. You Will Enjoy God’s Blessings On Your Life.
Last but not least, you will also enjoy abundant blessings that will come to you in all varieties if you choose to delight yourself in the Lord and His commandments.
God’s word in James 1:25 tells us that we will be blessed in our lives by God if we obey everything He tells us in His word which is similar to Deuteronomy 28:13 which promises a similar thing as well.
If you choose to delight in the Lord by obeying and keeping His commandments, He will bless your life with plenty and ensure that everything you do in your life will be fruitful.
Moreover, the opposite will be the case if you choose to delight in evil instead of the statues of the Lord to observe and keep them.
You won’t be blessed if you love and delight in living a life of sin that God hates. So, if you want to be blessed all the days of thy life, delight in God by observing and keeping His word. Only then, will you have good days on earth.
Related: 5 Blessings Of Surrendering To God [All True Believers Enjoy]
I hope the above 5 benefits of delighting in the Lord will even encourage you to delight in Him further by living a life of righteousness that pleases God.
Indeed, when your delight is in the Lord, many blessings will be upon your life and most importantly, you will eventually be with Him in heaven when you die.
In closing, if this post has blessed you in some way, let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share before you leave. Stay blessed as you delight in the Lord.
Other Interesting Reads.
- Delight Yourself In The Lord Meaning (& Interpretation).
- Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart Meaning [Prov 3:5]
- What To Do When Prayers Are Not Answered As A Christian?
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