The Importance Of Salvation & Why It Matters To Mankind?

Today in this post, you will discover the meaning and the importance of salvation and why it’s the most important thing you can ever have in your life.

Salvation is a fundamental concept of the Christian faith and Christian doctrine found in both the New Testament and the Old Testament. As such, many Christians wonder to some extent why they need to be saved.

This article today will remind you of the importance of salvation so that you can be saved if you are not and know where you are going because our time on earth is very short.

It’s my hope and prayer that after reading this post if you are not saved, be saved today and I encourage you not to resist the Holy Spirit that may be convicting you to get saved if you are not as you read below.

Why Salvation Is Important To A Christian?

Salvation is important to a Christian Practicing the Christian faith simply because it brings everlasting life and saves a Christian from eternal hellfire prepared for the devil and his angels (Matthews 25:41).

Since sin brings God’s wrath and eternal punishment in the lake of fire on all unsaved sinners, salvation, on the other hand, redeems all true believers in Christ from this horrible fate.

Secondly, salvation brings the forgiveness and remission of sins to all truly born-again Christians so that they may appear as though they have never sinned in God’s eyes since their sins have been washed by the blood of the Lamb.

Furthermore, being saved is what will make all born-again Christians make it to heaven and spend the rest of their eternity with God in everlasting joy and this is made possible by salvation.

Without this precious God’s love gift of eternal life, a Christian can’t have any hope of spending eternity with God in heaven.

Must Read: 13 Attributes Of Eternal Life (That Makes It Priceless)

5 Reasons Why Salvation Is Important.

In this section of this post, you will now discover 5 reasons why salvation is the most important thing in one’s life and without it, nothing else in this life matters.

  • Brings Redemption.
  • Makes The Remission Of Sins Possible.
  • Brings Eternal Life.
  • Brings A New Birth.
  • Restores Our Lost Relationship With God.

1. Brings Redemption.

This is perhaps the biggest reason why eternal salvation found in Christ Jesus is important in one’s life as it brings redemption from sin and its consequences (Ephesians 1:7).

We are all under the curse of sin and that is why there is so much evil in this world something had to be done to redeem mankind from this curse and this is where salvation comes in.

Redemption simply means to be redeemed and saved from sin and its consequences through the atoning blood of the Lamb that was shed on the cross for the sins of all humanity.

Without salvation through God’s son, Jesus Christ, we are all doomed and hopeless on our way to hellfire which was prepared for the devil and his fallen angels.

Salvation is what makes the forgiveness of one’s sins possible through repentance and this is what makes it very important.

Must Read: How To Be Born Again And Have Your Sins Forgiven In 7 Simple Steps (+Video Sermon)

2. Makes The Remission Of Sins Possible.

By definition, remission means to forgive or cancel out a penalty for doing something, especially something very bad, sin in this context.

For example, if you are caught stealing something, according to the laws of the land the judge in court has the right to throw you in prison.

But for some reason, the judge decides not to arrest you for your stealing by showing you mercy. In this case, the judge has remitted you from the consequences of stealing.

In like manner, it’s the same with salvation as we are all natural-born sinners with a sinful nature that makes us do all sorts of bad things we see in this world.

And according to God’s laws of righteousness that are just, we must be punished but in His boundless grace and mercy, He decided that we don’t have to go to hellfire and pay the penalty of sin.

This is where salvation comes in as it makes it possible for our sins to be forgiven so that we don’t have to pay and bear the full penalty of our sins which our Lord Jeus Christ already did on the cross if we accept Him as our Lord and personal savior by faith (Matthews 26:28).

Must Read: 13 Attributes Of Salvation That Make Salvation Priceless And Unique. 

3. Brings Eternal Life.

Eternal life is the hallmark of salvation and what makes it so priceless as it is. Without everlasting life, you won’t spend eternity with God in heaven which will be sad indeed.

And anyone can obtain this precious God’s love gift by believing in the name of Jesus Christ to be saved from sin through repentance.

Since the wages of sin is death according to Romans 6:23, it, therefore, follows that if you are not saved, you will face eternal death or the second death Revelations 20:14 talks about in the lake of fire.

The second death here means eternal punishment and separation from God who’s the source of all life as we know it because, without Him, life cannot exist.

No wonder Christ said that those who don’t have everlasting life are dead in the sense that they will be eternally separated from Him in eternity due to their sins as sin brings death.

Must Reads: 

4. Brings A New Birth.

The importance of salvation cannot be complete without mentioning the new birth that comes with salvation after repentance (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Naturally, we are all sinners by birth and have a sinful nature inside of us we inherited from our first parents when they sinned.

It’s this old Adamic nature that we all have that causes us to sin in the first place but when you become saved, this Adamic sinful nature of every human being has innately since the fall, is replaced with a new nature which is as a result of new spiritual birth in Christ (Romans 7:5).

With this new birth, you now have a new Christ-like nature that makes you want to follow after righteousness and hate sin. A new life of holiness and righteousness will also result from this new birth.

You will now love the truth of the bible you once hated when you were a sinner as a result of this new birth since our old nature loves to lie and hates the truth of God’s word concerning sin.

Must Read: 17 (Must-Have) Characteristics Of A Truly Born Again Christian.

5. Restores Our Lost Relationship With God.

Since sin separates us from God, something had to be done to restore this wonderful relationship man had with God before the fall (Isaiah 59:1,2).

Before Adam and Eve fell, they enjoyed a perfect relationship with their God and talked with him daily. Nothing hindered them from enjoying their presence with the Lord.

When sin came into the picture, this wonderful relationship was severed because God is holy and can’t allow sin in His presence which is why Adam and Eve had to be banished from the Garden of Eden.

God in His richness in mercy didn’t leave us to perish without hope and this is why a great plan was made in heaven to restore this lost relationship to its original state even better than before.

And this is where salvation comes to the rescue which was made possible through the death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Isn’t that beautiful?

Must Read: 11 Consequences Of Sin (To Help Avoid Sin All Costs.)


This is all I had to share with you in this post on the importance of salvation and why you need it in your life at all costs.

If you are not saved yet but want to right now, then check out this post on how to get saved and be on your way to heaven today. All you need to do is believe with all your heart and that’s it.

In closing, if this post has greatly benefited you, don’t forget to share it with others as they will benefit from it greatly as you have. Stay blessed.

Further Reading:

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