5 Signs God Is Trying To Remove Someone From Your Life.

There are many signs that will show if God is trying to remove someone from your life and this post will focus on the 5 major signs God is trying to remove someone from your life which will clearly show God doesn’t want you to be with that person.

Sometimes, God will remove certain people from our lives we thought were right for us, or we would spend the rest of our lives with them as He knows better and knows the end from the beginning.

You need to understand that only God knows a person who will be a good fit for you in the long run and when that person comes at the right time, you will know deep down in your heart that this person is the one.

With that said. Let’s look at the 5 signs God is trying to remove someone from your life that will show the person you are dating isn’t the right person God meant for you to spend the rest of your life with.

5 Reasons God Removes People From Your Life.

Below are the 5 major signs and reasons why God removes a person or certain people from your life who don’t align with His will, purpose and plan for your life.

  • Things Don’t Just Feel Right Being Together.
  • Serious Red Flags.
  • Your Purpose Isn’t Aligning.
  • Bad Influence.
  • A Person Abruptly Leaves You.

1. Things Don’t Just Feel Right Being Together.

One of the clear signs, which will show God, wants to remove a person from your life that isn’t aligned with His will for your life is that things just won’t feel right being with this person.

Yes, things may look perfect and ideal outside with no major issues but something deep down your heart will tell you that this isn’t right or the right timing to be with this person or be in a committed relationship with this person.

You need to understand that as a person looking for a future spouse to tie the knot within marriage when God reveals to you the right person you were meant to spend the rest of your life with, everything will just feel right being with this person.

However, if you are a person looking for a godly husband or wife so that you can have a godly marriage filled with happiness and joy, God will remove the wrong people in your life that isn’t a good fit for you.

Remember, just because something appears to be good doesn’t mean it’s right for you in the long run. So, when God removes a person you thought was the one, don’t despair as He has a better future spouse for you He will reveal at the right time.

2. Serious Red Flags.

The other sign that will show God wants to remove a particular person from your life is that He will reveal to you serious red flags that person has which will become major issues in marriage.

Some of the red flags Jesus Christ may reveal to you through His gentle still voice may be character flaws in a person such as explosive anger, lying, abuse, etc. that might end up you having a toxic unhealthy marriage when you say, “I do.”

You must not ignore the warnings and red flags God reveals to you that warn you that you must not be with this person especially if you are in a toxic relationship. Otherwise, you will just be signing up for trouble if you do as many have.

Sadly, many people ignore the serious red flags they see in a person they want to spend the rest of their life with and magically hope marriage will fix everything.

But you need to understand that marriage can’t fix the character issues a person has if they were not fixed beforehand which is why you need to obey God’s voice when He tells you that you can’t be with this person.

3. Your Purpose Isn’t Aligning.

The third sign which will show God is trying to remove a person from your life is that you will notice that the relationship you may have with this person doesn’t align with God’s purpose for your life.

You need to understand that purpose comes first before any relationship because if you don’t know what your God-given purpose on earth is, you will find it hard to find the right person to marry who will align with your purpose.

Without knowing your purpose in life, even the relationships or friendships you desire with other people will not mean much as purpose is the backbone of all meaningful happy relationships and marriages.

So, if you haven’t found your purpose in life yet, stop thinking about even being in a relationship you want to turn into a marriage in the future. Instead, find your purpose first and everything will fall into place later.

When you know your God-given purpose in life, finding the right person to marry who aligns with God’s will and plan for your life is much easier.

4. Bad Influence.

The fourth sign that will show God is trying to remove a person from your life is their bad influence upon your life. When that’s the case, the Lord will tell you to distance yourself from that person.

God’s word tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:33 that we must not be deceived as evil communication will always corrupt good manners.

Therefore if you are associating with bad sinful friends, it’s just a matter of time before you start doing the evil there are doing due to their bad influence.

So, if you are Christian, our Lord Jesus Christ wants us to associate with godly friends that will help us grow stronger in the things of the Lord and not those who will make us depart from our Christian faith.

Whenever you try to associate yourself with an evil friend who will be detrimental to your Christian life as a believer in Christ, God will abruptly end the evil friendship or relationship that is trying to draw you away from Him.

5. A Person Abruptly Leaves You.

last but not least, the final thing God will do if He wants to remove someone from your life is He will allow such a person to abruptly leave you with or without notice.

I know this can hurt especially when you thought such a person will be with you for the rest of your life if you are in a relationship you hoped would turn into a marriage.

Sometimes, we may not understand why God abruptly removes certain people from our lives but as time goes by when you meet the right people, you will understand and be thankful to God for why He removed certain people from your life.

You need to understand that, it’s not your job to make anyone stay or walk out of your life as people will leave you anyway when the time to do so comes, no matter how hard you try to make them stay.

Stop trying to make the wrong people God has removed from your life stay as those people will not add any value to your life, which is why God has removed them in the first place.


I hope the above 5 major signs God is trying to remove someone from your life have now finally helped understand why God abruptly removes certain people from your life.

In closing, if this post was a blessing to you let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share before you leave. Stay blessed.

Further Reading.

Sharing is caring.


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