In this post, you will find out the 12 major characteristics of Jesus’ Love that makes it different from self-centered human love that only thinks of itself.
Jesus’ love as outlined in both the Old Testament and the New Testament is the only true love you will ever need on earth as only Jesus Christ truly loves you selflessly unlike humans who can only love you for their selfish reasons.
Without wasting much of your precious time, let’s look at the 12 major characteristics of Jesus’ Love based on righteousness and selflessness that you will never find in human love.
12 Attributes Of Jesus’s Unconditional Love.
Below are the 12 attributes of Jesus’ unconditional love, the only kind of love that can satisfy our human soul, which no amount of human love can.
- Unconditional.
- Selfless.
- Seeks To Serve.
- Brings Redemption.
- Unmerited.
- Sacrificial.
- It’s Patient.
- Heals.
- Kind.
- Leads To The Truth.
- Full Of Grace.
- Perfect.
1. Unconditional.
One of the major characteristics of Jesus’s love that makes it different from human love is it’s unconditional and doesn’t depend on what you do for Him.
Implying that Jesus Loves you not for what you can do for Him but He loves you as it’s His nature to do so. Contrast that to human love, you will find that the latter only loves if you have something to benefit it.
Love is Jesus’s inherent character that isn’t dependent on how lovable or unlovable we are and this is how we must love others as well.
2. Selfless.
Unlike human love which is selfish and self-centered, the love Christ has for us is selfless and doesn’t seek its own selfish interests as 1 Corinthians 13:4 tells us.
This means that Jesus Christ doesn’t love us because of what He can get from us but He loves us even when we have nothing to offer to Him which is why He died for our sins even when we didn’t deserve His love.
A person with the selfless love of Christ-Jesus will selflessly love you with the selfless unconditional love Christ expects of us without expecting anything in return. Loving others is just so much easier if God’s love is in you.
3. Seeks To Serve.
Another attribute you will notice that the love of Christ has is that it seeks to serve rather than be served. It’s why Jesus Christ tells us in Matthews 20:28 that He came to serve and not to be served.
In like manner, if Christ’s love is reigning supreme in your heart, you will desire to serve others selflessly rather than being served. Jesus’ love is the definition of true love as it’s the only love that is selfless.
This is the love mission in many relationships explaining why many of them are ending in breakups as everyone is all about themselves and what they can get from the other person rather than what they can give.
Related: 17 (Must-Have) Characteristics Of True Love That’s Of God.
4. Brings Redemption.
The love Christ has for us while were yet sinners as Romans 5:8 tells us is the reason why we can be saved today from sin, and the horrible consequences it brings upon a sinner. Jesus’s love is the reason why we can have salvation and eternal life today.
We can be redeemed from sin because of Jesus’s love that made Him die for our sins. If our Lord Jesus Christ never truly loved us, He wouldn’t have died for our sins on the cross and would have let us perish without hope.
Since that isn’t the case, any sinner today regardless of their sinful condition can be saved today from sin and experience Christ’s true unconditional love that’s undeserved.
5. Unmerited.
Another characteristic of Jesus’ love is that it is unmerited. Implying that we can’t earn God’s love based on how good we are or our good works as they can never be enough to repay The love He has for us.
Moreover, God still loves us anyway because he chose to send his Son to die for our sins on the cross (Galatians 2:20) even when He knew we might never love Him back which sadly is the case with many people today who reject God’s love.
6. Sacrificial.
The genuine love of Christ Jesus that differentiates it from self-centered human love is that it’s sacrificial which explains why He sacrificially died for our sins costing Him His dear life.
A person who loves you with the genuine sacrificial love Christ commanded His disciples in John 13:34 and every one of us is they will sacrifice for you rather than just claim they love you without proving it with their actions.
Implying that if you truly love a person sacrificially with the love of Christ, especially in marriage, you will be willing to sacrificially serve and love the person the way they need to be loved not the way you think they must be loved.
Related: 5 Signs Of Agape Love In A Relationship (Based On Christ).
7. It’s Patient.
Jesus’s love is also patient implying that it never gives up when things get hard and patiently endures all things. A person with this kind of genuine love that is selfless won’t give up on you when things are hard.
Sadly, this isn’t the love we are seeing in many relationships and marriages today which explains why many of them end up in breakups as many people aren’t willing to be patient and forbear with the other person.
People nowadays, easily give up on each other for the silliest and pettiest reasons, hiccups, and misunderstandings. But, if God’s love is reigning in your life, you will be patient and long-suffering with your partner and not easily give up on them because things are hard.
8. Heals.
Another vital attribute of the love of Christ Jesus is it heals. Implying that His love can heal your broken heart that has been broken by sin or betrayal from other people.
You need to remember that only God’s divine love can heal your broken soul and no amount of human love you seek from others will ever heal you.
So, if you are a broken sinner who needs to be healed from the brokenness sin has brought upon your life, just come to Christ and give your life to Him and He will heal and make you whole today.
9. Kind.
The other characteristic of the love of Chris Jesus is that it’s kind and not cruel or rude. Implying that if God’s love is in your life, you will be kind and compassionate to others.
A person with the love of Jesus Christ in them will show kindness and compassion to others. There is enough hate in this world, so, let your love and kindness be the beacon of light to others in this dark world of hate we live in.
10. Leads To The Truth.
Jesus’ love also leads to the truth, which means that Jesus will never lead you astray as His love isn’t built on lies, deceit, and falsehood, unlike human love which is deceitful.
Jesus in His love will lead you to the truth, which is why He said in John 14:6 that He’s the way, the truth, and the life none can enter heaven or come to the Father except by Him.
Therefore, if you are seeking the truth, Jesus Christ is the truth you have been looking for all this time who will make you understand what true love and compassion are all about.
11. Full Of Grace.
Grace in addition to kindness and compassion is another defining characteristic of the love of Christ Jesus. Being full of grace, it’s the reason why any sinner can be saved today as grace is unmerited, not something we earn by our good deeds.
Since God’s love is based on grace, it’s something we don’t earn by our good works or something we deserve as we are all sinners by birth who don’t deserve His love by default.
This is why there is no greater love than God’s love that can show grace even to the worst undeserving sinner who’s unlovable by human standards.
Related: 63 God’s Grace Quotes To Uplift Your Spirit (+ Sermon).
12. Perfect.
Last but not least, Jesus’ love is also perfect. Implying that it’s complete and without flaws. 1 John 4:18 talks about the perfect love that casts out all fear and this is the love Jesu has.
If this love of Christ is in you, fear will not be in your life and you will not be afraid to love others just because you fear they might hurt you. Where there is true love, there is no fear.
This is the true divine love you need to strive for in your Christian living as a true believer, which is perfect, and without blemish.
The above 12 characteristics of Jesus’ love are among many that are out there that summarize what His love is all about that you won’t find in human love.
My prayer is after reading this that this same selfless love of Christ Jesus the apostle Paul talked about in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 be in your life.
In closing, if this post has helped you appreciate God’s love more, drop a comment below, and don’t forget to share before you leave. God bless.
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