5 Reasons Why God’s Will In Your Relationship Is Vital.

There are many reasons why God’s will in your relationship is vital if you want to marry right or find the right person to marry so as not to make mistakes in this area as many have.

In this post, we will discuss 5 of these major reasons why you need God’s will in your relationship or marriage before saying, I do,” as marriage is for life.

Many people end up with wrong life partners who are a misfit for them because they don’t consult God’s will for their marriage relationship. This explains why we have so many divorces and marriage breakdowns today.

Sadly, many choose to listen to their flesh when choosing a life partner rather than allowing God to lead them to the right person to marry. I pray as you read this, you won’t end up in this predicament.

With that said, let’s begin our discussion on why you need God’s will in your relationship or marriage so that you can choose the right life partner to marry.

5 Reasons For God’s Will In Your Relationship.

Below are the 5 important reasons why you need God’s will and approval in your relationship if you want to find and marry a godly spouse.

  • So As To Marry Right.
  • So As To Know The Right Person To Marry.
  • To Avoid Being Unequally Yoked In Marriage.
  • So As Not To End Up In A Miserable Marriage.
  • To Avoid Broken Families.

1. So As To Marry Right.

One of the most obvious reasons you need God’s will in your relationship is so that you can marry right and don’t end up in a marriage that you will live to regret for a lifetime.

You need to understand that apart from salvation, choosing the right life partner to marry and spend the rest of your life with is the second most vital decision you will ever make in your life.

If you mess up on this one, I can tell you that you have signed up for a path to misery and even premature death if you end up marrying a physically abusive partner who might kill you.

How many times have you heard or witnessed in your life a wife being killed by their abusive husband and vice versa? I am sure many times. This is why you must pray and fast when you come to a point where you want to choose whom to marry.

Proverbs 3:5,6 tells us that we must trust the Lord with all our heart and not lean on our own understanding, especially in the area of marriage. If many applied this scripture, they wouldn’t end up marrying a person God didn’t intend for them.

Related: 7 Ways God Brings A Man And A Woman Together In Marriage.

2. So As To Know The Right Person To Marry.

The second reason for knowing God’s will in your relationship during courtship is so that you can have clear confirmation if the person you plan to marry is the right person for you.

Without knowing God’s will and purpose for your relationship, you won’t know if the person you are in a relationship with is the right person for you or a person God has in mind for you.

Sadly, even many Christians have forgotten why they need God’s will in their relationships. This explains why many including some committed Christians make huge blunders in this specific area of choosing the right life partner.

I pray that you don’t end up marrying the wrong person due to fleshly demands and I implore you to know God’s will in your relationship if you want to marry right and not end up in a miserable marriage.

Many believers today are in miserable marriages as they didn’t allow God to lead them. rather, they let their flesh and outward appearances of a person they chose to marry deceive them. don’t end up in such a situation as well.

Related: 5 Sure Signs God Is Telling You To Wait On Someone To Marry {ASAP.

3. To Avoid Being Unequally Yoked In Marriage.

The third reason why you need God’s will in your relationship before contemplating marriage is so that you can avoid being unequally yoked with an unbeliever.

We are told in 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 in the new testament that as believers, we must not be unequally yoked with unbelievers, especially in the area of marriage. The reason for this is both the believer and unbeliever have different spirits controlling them.

Also, you are also not to marry an unbeliever as a believer as you have different values from an unbeliever because if you do so, the consequences will be grave. I am sure you may have witnessed this in your life if you are married to an unbeliever.

How many Christians do you know who have ended up in miserable marriages all because they chose to be unequally yoked by marrying an unbeliever hoping they will change them? I am sure you know many.

There is a reason why the Lord doesn’t want you to marry an unbeliever which is why you must not disobey this specific command if you want to have a happy marriage that’s filled with joy and bliss.

4. So As Not To End Up In A Miserable Marriage.

Another reason why you must know God’s will for your marriage or relationship is so that you don’t end up in a miserable marriage as many have due to their disobedience to simple instructions from the Lord.

Many people including believers are in miserable marriages making their lives a living hell on earth because they didn’t want to be led by the Lord Jesus Christ on whom to tie the knot.

I am sure you have seen many Christians ignore many red flags that were present during courtship but proceeded to marry anyway. Now, these people are in misery wishing they had been more patient and listened to God.

You need to remember that it’s not God’s will for you to have a miserable marriage as marriage is beautiful and sacred in His sight as it symbolizes the relationship Jesus Christ has with the church.

However, you must allow God to guide you rather than being misled by your infatuation with a particular person if you want to marry a godly spouse and have a godly marriage that is heaven on earth. Yes, it’s possible if you allow God to lead you.

5. To Avoid Broken Families.

Last but not least, the other vital reason for God’s will in your relationship is so that you don’t end up with a broken family due to divorce or separation as God frowns upon that (Matthews 5:32, Romans 12:1-3).

You need to understand that marriage is for life and only death is what ends your earthly marriage and nothing else. Divorce and remarriage, while your first spouse is alive, is a strict no, no if you are a true Christian.

Once you are married, only death can separate you. If you end up being separated or divorced, then you need to remain single for the rest of your life or reconcile with your spouse (1 Corinthians 7:10,11) unless your first spouse dies.

But you may wonder as to why many so-called Christians are divorcing and remarrying for trivial reasons, breaking up their families in the process. Moreover, you must remember that all those who do that aren’t true Christians at all.

This is why, dear, knowing God’s will for your marriage is vital so that you don’t end up in these complicated situations that will endanger your eternal soul or end up having a broken family due to divorce or separation for one reason or the other.


I hope the above 5 reasons why God’s will in your relationship are vital to have now helped you understand why you need God’s will in your marriage relationship.

Remember that marriage is for life and only death can part you. Henceforth, ensure that you marry right if you want to have a happy and blissful Christ-centered marriage.

In closing, if this post has edified you in one way or the other, drop a comment below, and feel free to ask any questions below if you have any on what you have read. God bless.

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