It’s that time during your greatest trials you may begin to wonder and question why God is allowing whatever trials of faith you may be currently having in your life.
This post will remind you and give you the 7 primary reasons why God will test you before your breakthrough so that you don’t lose your faith and give up on the 11th hour of the impending breakthrough you have been praying for a while.
Indeed, God will test you before giving you a major breakthrough in your life be it spiritually, financially, area of marriage, or in ministry.
What’s important that during this time is you need to stay put and patient and not lose hope because things are taking too long to materialize.
With that said, let’s look at the 7 main reasons why God will test you before your breakthrough to help you understand that the tests He’s allowing in your life are for a good reason.
7 Reasons God Tests Us Before Breakthroughs.
Take your time to read the 7 major reasons below why God always tests us before our major significant breakthroughs so that you don’t lose your faith in times of trials.
- To Test Thy Faith.
- To Teach You Patience.
- To See If You Truly Trust Him.
- So That You Can Be Appreciative.
- For His Glory.
- To Prepare You For Your Greatest Blessings Ever.
- To Test Thy Obedience.
1. To Test Thy Faith.
One of the major reasons God tests us before a significant breakthrough we have been earnestly praying for as Christians are to test and refine our faith to see if it’s genuine or not.
Your faith in God, dear can only be proven to be true if it’s been tested and validated during trying moments in your life that are tempting you to give up on God and yourself.
If your faith fails in times of trials and delay, it simply shows your faith isn’t genuine as it appeared to be. Take the case of Abraham in the Old Testament who waited for 25+ years to have a child.
Yet, as we are told in Genesis 17:15-27 Abraham’s faith never wavered even during that trying period of childlessness in his life, and was later blessed with a child named Isaac and was made a father of many nations as God promised him.
You as well will receive whatever breakthrough you have been praying for in due time if only like Abraham of old don’t lose faith or lose hope as most do when faced with trying situations like this.
Recommended: 13 Major Traits Of Genuine Faith [+ Wonderful Sermon].
2. To Teach You Patience.
The second reason why God may be testing you before your major breath through in the life you have been praying for is to teach you patience. Isaiah 40:31 tells us only those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength and receive the best the Lord has to offer.
Sometimes, our Lord Jesus Christ will allow you to experience delayed answers to your prayer request not because He hasn’t answered your prayer requests you have made to Him but because He’s doing so to teach you patience.
Your patience in the Lord can only grow and be matured if God allows delays in your life that will teach you to learn to wait on Him and not to rush things.
Patience is one of the vital fruits of the Holy Spirit found in Galatians 5:22,23 in the new testament that Jesus Christ wants us to have if we claim to be His true followers.
You need to understand that Christianly isn’t a life of instant gratification where whatever you pray for will be answered instantly and at the time you want. Henceforth, God permits delays to teach you patience in your Christian walk with Him.
Recommended: 7 Major Reasons Why God Allows Delays {In Our Lives.}
3. To See If You Truly Trust Him.
The third reason why God may be testing you before your spiritual breakthrough in your life or whatever breakthrough you have been earnestly praying for quite some time is to see if you genuinely trust Him or not.
It’s very easy to claim that you trust the Lord with all your heart as we are commanded in Proverbs 3:5,6 when things are smooth sailing in your life as a believer.
However, it’s during times of uncertainty or delays to the breakthrough you have been praying for a while is when your trust and confidence in the Lord are truly tested to see if it’s genuine or not.
Sadly, many so-called Christians are only willing to trust God when things are going well in their lives but when they start experiencing delays to their prayer requests, they begin to question and doubt God and His promises found in His word.
They forget that the Lord is always faithful and always answers the prayer requests we have made to Him in due time when the time is right. If you are experiencing delays in your life, don’t lose your trust in Him, and remember God always answers prayer.
Recommended: 12 Benefits Of Trusting God [To Help You Trust Him More].
4. So That You Can Be Appreciative.
Another reason why God will test you before your imminent breakthrough is so that you can learn to appreciate your breakthrough when it finally comes.
He does so because He doesn’t want you to take the breakthrough you have been praying for a while for granted when it comes finally which will be the case if God gave you what you wanted all the time with ease without any mountains to overcome.
If God never tested you before your breakthrough, you will certainly take for granted whatever great things He’s done for you as you are too familiar with God’s goodness.
However, when you experience trials before your breakthrough, you will truly value and cherish the breakthrough you will finally receive when it comes at an appointed time that will make you scream in tears of joy and give glory to God cheerfully.
For instance, if you have been praying for a financial breakthrough in your life and have been struggling financially for a while when those financial blessings come, you will jump for joy praising God for that blessing after waiting for a long time in a financial wilderness.
5. For His Glory.
God will also test you in your life before your breakthrough be it in ministry, spiritual, or your financial life so that you can give Him the glory He deserves when you finally receive that breakthrough you have been praying for a long time.
Scripture tells us in Romans 8:28 that all things work together for our good if we love God and are called according to His purpose. So, don’t let the delayed breakthrough in your life make you give up on God.
He’s allowing those tests before your breakthrough for His glory so that you don’t think it’s by your own might and power that you have the breakthroughs you have but by His grace.
You can only truly give glory to the Lord He deserves if there is a reason to do so and Him giving you the breakthrough you want to happen in your life will give you that strong incentive to jump for joy and glorify God when that breakthrough finally materializes.
Just remember all the tests and trying moments you may be having is just but for a moment and just preparing you for the mighty breakthrough you will forever be grateful to God for the rest of your life.
6. To Prepare You For Your Greatest Blessings Ever.
Sometimes, before God blesses you mightily in every area of your life be it in your finances, or ministry, He will test you to prepare you for the great blessings He has for you.
You need to understand that you first need to go through the wilderness seasons of trials and tribulations in your life before entering your Promised Land of blessing flowing with abundance or milk and honey.
In this case, the abundant blessings in every area of your life after you have passed through your wilderness season. If God just blessed you before preparing you for your blessings, you wouldn’t be ready to receive them.
Just as the children of Israel had to go through the wilderness of trials and tribulations before they entered the Promised Land, you as well need to go through the wilderness of trials before God gives the breakthrough you have been praying for.
So if, you currently having bad breaks in your life be it financially or spiritually, don’t lose faith and trust God’s timing that all will be well in the end when the time is right and after passing the tests presented to you in your wilderness season.
7. To Test Thy Obedience.
Last but not least, God will also test you before granting the breakthrough you have been praying for to test your obedience to Him to see if you will still be obedient to Him even when things are not convenient in your life.
Just look at the case of Abraham in Genesis 22:1-19 where God tested him to sacrifice his one and only son he dearly loved. If it was you in that situation, what would you have done? Only you can answer that question.
Fortunately, Abraham passed the obedience test, which proved that indeed Abraham was truly obedient to the Lord even in tricky situations like that where he was told to offer his son as a burnt offering.
Consequently, due to his obedience to the Lord’s commands, he was blessed and made a father of many nations we see today which I believe wouldn’t have happened if Abraham failed that crucial obedience test.
You need to understand dear that God will only release certain life-changing blessings in your life if you pass certain obedience tests you will be presented with which will be different for every one of us. Yours may not be sacrificing your son as was Abraham’s case.
Recommended: 5 Consequences Of Disobedience In The Bible [+Sermon].
I hope the above post on 7 reasons why God will test you before your breakthrough has finally made you understand that in the end, God will work things for your own good if you pass your tests.
In closing, if this post has edified you, drop a comment below, and don’t forget to share before you leave. God bless.
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