If you want to know how to have a gentle and quiet spirit especially if you are a Christian woman aspiring to be a godly wife who’s a blessing to her husband, then this post is for you.
Having a gentle and quiet spirit is one of the essential fruits of the Holy Spirit Galatians 5:22,23 talks about what every truly born-again Christian has.
As a woman, you need to understand that your physical beauty means nothing if your character is undesirable and makes others not want to be with you.
In both the Old Testament and the New Testament, we are told that a gentle, meek, and quiet spirit is priceless and it’s what our inner man needs to be clothed with.
As a woman, you need to understand that your true inner beauty isn’t found in your outward appearance that fades over time but is in your spirit of gentleness and quietness.
A gentle and quiet spirit, which is the true measure of the inner beauty of every person, isn’t just for women but all believers in Christ Jesus are called to have a spirit of gentleness, meekness, and quietness.
With that said, let’s look at how to have a gentle and quiet spirit in 5 practical easy steps that will make you a desirable person both to God and to others.
5 Ways To Develop A Gentle And Quiet Spirit.
Take your time to read the 5 actionable steps below that will help you have a gentle, meek, and quiet spirit that’s filled with inner peace God finds priceless.
- Be Genuinely Born Again.
- Ask God To Give You A New Heart.
- Ask God To Give You A New Spirit.
- Always Act With Love.
- Read God’s Word Daily.
1. Be Genuinely Born Again.
The first thing you need to do to develop a gentle and quiet spirit is you first need to be born again so that you experience the new birth in Christ Jesus that will make you have the new nature of Christ in you that’s humble and meek.
Being truly born gain is crucial because it results in the inner transformation of your heart and inner man and makes it possible for you to be spiritually reborn with the new nature of Christ in you that will enable you to be meek and humble in spirit.
You need to understand that we are all born sinners with a sinful nature that naturally makes us stubborn, prideful, and contentious in our life.
If you are not truly born again yet, this old nature of sin that makes you stubborn and have a haughty and prideful spirit will still be active in your life which will make it hard for you especially if you are a woman to respect your husband with your mouth.
Being born again gets rid of the old sinful nature that makes you have a prideful spirit and replaces your old sinful self with the new nature of Christ Jesus Ephesians 4:24 talks about that is created in God’s likeness, which makes it easy for you to be meek and gentle.
Related: How To Be Truly Born Again Today In 7 Simple Steps & Be Heaven-Ready?
2. Ask God To Give You A New Heart.
The second thing you need to do to develop a spirit of gentleness and quietness as a Christian woman aspiring to be a godly wife is you need to ask the Lord Jesus Christ to give you a new heart.
Ezekiel 36:26 tells us that the Lord will give us a new heart and remove the sinful stony heart we are all born with that makes us prideful at heart and not have a gentle and quiet spirit.
In that verse, the Lord promises that He will give us a heart of flesh that will be meek and humble making it easy for us to submit to God in humility and be goodhearted to others in love and gentleness.
If you are to have a gentle spirit as a Christian woman aspiring to be a godly wife, you need to ask the Lord to give you a new heart and to take away the sinful stony heart you have that makes you contentious and quarrelsome.
Only then, will you be able to have a gentle spirit that will make you pleasant to your husband and make it easy to respect your husband with your mouth instead of being quarrelsome all the time.
Related: 13 Characteristics Of A Pure Heart [That’s Regenerated].
3. Ask God To Give You A New Spirit.
In that same bible verse of Ezekiel 36:26 we see that apart from a new heart, the Lord also promises to give us a new spirit if we become truly born again by yielding our lives to Him.
It’s this new spirit the Lord Jesus imparts in you when you experience the new birth after you become truly born again that will make you meek and gentle towards others in love.
If you are a wife, if this new spirit of incorruptible beauty is imparted into your life, you will find it easy to be kind and respectful to your husband with your mouth.
You will no longer be quarrelsome, and argumentative, and have a contentious spirit you once had in your sinful state before you became truly born again with the new meek and quiet Spirit of Christ that is now in you.
This just doesn’t apply to women alone, it applies to everyone. Anyone with the new spirit of Christ in them well is meek, humble, kind, and loving towards others. All the rudeness and harshness you once had toward others will be no more.
4. Always Act With Love.
Another thing you need to do to develop and cultivate a spirit of gentleness in you is that you need to practice a habit of always acting in love, gentleness, and kindness towards others.
The apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 16:14 that we must act in love and do everything in love. Implying that love must lead the way in everything we do towards others be it correcting others when they do wrong.
If you don’t have a gentle and quiet spirit in your life, you won’t act in love, kindness, and gentleness towards others. Instead, you will be harsh, judgmental, and rude towards others, which ought not to be so.
You need to remember that without, love, everything you do in your life is all in vain be it the Christian faith you may be professing to practice as true Christianity is all about showing love and kindness to others.
Being loving and gentle towards others is what will enable others to soften their hearts and open up to you, which they would otherwise not do if you were harsh and judgmental to them.
Related: 12 Signs And Symbols Of God’s Love Signifying True Love.
5. Read God’s Word Daily.
Last but not least, reading God’s word daily is another thing you can do that will help you cultivate a gentle and quiet spirit in you by renewing your inner self and the inner man from the inside.
God’s word tells us in Ephesians 4:23 that we must be renewed in the spirit of our minds so that we can test and approve the good things of God and this can only be so if we read God’s word daily.
It’s God’s word that brings about the inner transformation of one’s heart, spirit and mind so that they can be conformed to the image of Christ Jesus.
When God’s word is renewing you daily, it transforms you into the holy, meek, gentle, and humble godly character that Jesus Christ has which enables you to have the same spirit of meekness Christ has.
If you don’t read God’s word and apply it to your heart, your mind, heart, and spirit won’t be renewed which explains why you will still have sinful tendencies of pride, haughtiness, and contentions in your heart as God’s word is lacking in your life to transform you.
Related: Why Is Quiet Time With God Important [With Illustrations]?
I hope the above post on how to have a gentle and quiet spirit will now help you a spirit of gentleness that will enable you to be more kind and loving towards others. In closing, if this post was beneficial to you, drop a comment below, and don’t forget to share before you leave. Stay blessed.
Further Reading.
- What Is A Gentle And Quiet Spirit & Why Is It Important?
- What Does It Mean To Be A Godly Wife In An Ungodly World?
- What Is The Mark Of A True Christian (Who’s Truly Saved?)
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